Family Encounter Ministry (FEM)

Ed & Winnie Margallo, Head Servants, FEM


The Catholic Church cares about marriage and the entire family.  Pope Francis calls the modern family the “new mission field for the Church” (On the Family, 2015).  We do not need to go far to bring the Gospel message of God’s love. We need only stay in our own homes and share that message with the persons we love- focusing on our spouse and the children we have been blessed with.  It is our hope that out of this harmonious and vital unit will arise the seeds of holy families of future generations. The Second Vatican Council states, “The well-being of the individual person and of human and Christian society is intimately linked with the healthy condition of that community produced by marriage and family” (Gaudium et Spes. . . , no. 48).   Towards this end, the Family Encounter Ministry aims to fulfill the role and make a difference in your family through the Family Encounter Weekend (FEW) seminars and follow-up reunions.  The weekend is filled with fun, interactive activities, time, and space for discovering yourself and every member of your family, like you’ve never experienced, as well as private moments of tenderness with each other.  It is conducted by families – couples and their children- who had previously attended a FEW.  We hope to provide your family with a support group in the KFI community and, more importantly, a venue to involve every member of your family in activities and programs to further grow in spiritual leadership and vocation.  We are expecting to welcome you and your children to the Family Encounter Weekend to be held at Malvern Retreat House, Malvern, Pennsylvania in the Fall of 2024.  Please mark your calendar on the weekend after Thanksgiving: November 29 to December 1, 2024.