I want to begin with a parable.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32):
He proposed another parable to them. “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the ‘birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.’
An ongoing pandemic has battered the way we live. Many have no idea when or if they can go back to work on site. There is a nationwide trend toward remote work brought on by social distancing concerns. With that said, it reshaped the way we interact to each other since we have to be obedient to follow restrictions imposed so we will all be safe and well. Many of us spend an average of nine hours more at home per day than we did before. This brought new indoor activities introduced by the usage of computer apps.
The SUMMER GATHERING event occurred on Saturday, August 8, 2020. It started as a small idea like the MUSTARD SEED. It became full-grown and became a virtual gathering with all the possibilities the virtual platform can provide. It is like the large bush wherein the faithful, like the birds in the scripture reading, have affirmed they have a MINISTRY.
During the preparation, we reached out to those brothers and sisters as an individual, couple, and family that experienced a spiritual journey with Bro Conrad. It is wonderful to hear and see all the good things about them. The working together as a community to put up an affair in three weeks is the heart of what our faith is about. We hoped everyone who had participation loved the experience because it not only brought us together after a long quarantine, but it brought notice to KFI members who are active and inactive that we continue to exist and are planning our course and we will be ready when CDC, state and local government regulations will allow us to gather.
Jesus gave us two great commandments—love God above all and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. These commandments were made real during the week preceding the event when our young people who are busy in their school and work schedule collaborated with us in the virtual presentation. The role of serving one another is paramount to discipleship. It is in service that we make our faith real to those around us. Our young people are the future of the Church and the world. The world needs our faith, our service and people like us to be imitating our Lord’s life of service, love and compassion.
The outpouring support from the members of the core group was wonderful, beyond our expectations.
The power of prayer brought memories of Bro Conrad who, together with Sis Bing and their children and all of us KFI members, formed a MINISTRY that we can say we belong. Let that fire of our commitment continue the work that Bro Conrad started to spread CHRIST’s love and let us take courage to be JESUS’ disciple.
Let us pray for the energy we receive from our FAITH. Faith in Jesus heals not only our physical struggle but also our spiritual needs in this challenging time of the corona virus scare. Make that FAITH work in others. Be active and do something to uplift and be a light in this time of darkness.
Doing so makes us taste and feel the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
Now the THANK YOUs.
• To our GOD who is the source of EVERYTHING. Thank you GOD THE FATHER for your presence in the life of the KFI Ministry
• Thank to Fr Nestor Watin for celebrating the profound MEMORIAL MASS in memory of Bro Conrad, Sis Bing and Brian Felix
• To Sis Cecile and Bro Lito Cervantes for an inspiring WELCOME REMARKS
• To our Master of ceremonies Bro Rogel Bautista and Earyn Calvis for a fantastic job moving our sequence smoothly
• To our moderators: Justin Balancio, Allyn Calvis and Bro Tanny Soliven thank you for sharing your expertise in moderating the virtual app
• To the mass readers and deliverer of the prayer of the faithful, thank you for proclaiming the good news and leading us in prayer
– Bro Jimmy and Sis Malu Mapa
– Bro Armand and Sis Minda Magundayao
– Bro Fred and Sis Elena Calvis
– Bro Lolong and Sis Pinky Orozco
– Marge Felix-Rice
– Sis Sylvia Dagot
– Bro Bong and Sis Noemi Balancio
– Bro Johnny and Sis Grace Rustia
• To the youth music ministry who gave us a reflective ride in praising our one true GOD under the leadership of Earyn Calvis
• To Sis Leslie Almario for patiently assembling and following up the Divine Mercy participants
• To the Divine Mercy Participants, thank you for leading us in prayer:
– Sis Charie Sygengco
– Sis Myrle and Bro Gani Aquino
– Sis Cherrie and Bro Rey Gumapac
– Sis Virgie and Bro Fred Vino
– Sis Lydia and Bro Allan Cuyugan
– Sis Tina Edelman and
– Sis Linda de los Reyes
• To Bro Charlie Abalos who is the historian of the KFI. Thank you for making that informative narration on the ministry life of Bro Conrad. We heard the snapshot of a great story. We will be in the lookup of the link you will share
• To the Ministry heads who delivered their allotted 1 minute, thank you for staying within your written script
– Sis Ivy and Bro Rogel Bautista of COE
– Bro Louie and Sis Bullet Onglengco of ME Board
– Bro Pat and Sis Juliet Oano of ME Florida
– Bro Ed and Sis Winnie Margallo and their family of FE
– Bro James and Sis Maggie Sadhoo of LSS
– Bro Nonoy and Sis Norie Peralta of Communication Ministry
– Bro Tom and Sis Rose Bayani of Music ministry
– Allyn Calvis representing the Youth Ministry
• To Bro Nonoy Peralta and Bro Sonny Sico who diligently put all the pictures in a power point presentation submitted by all the ministries that gave the story of our ministry
• To Bro Eugene Nepomuceno who managed in updating and uploading to the linked common folder all texts and videos which is the constant source of information of the CORE GROUP
• To the game facilitators who perked up the gathering with big prizes:
– Bro Caloy, Sis Len, Sis Linda, Sis Michie, Sis Lynn and Sis Debbie for the TRIVIA QUESTIONS
– Bro Eugene and Sis Mae for the NAME THAT TUNE.
– Bro Nonoy and Sis Norie for the PRICE IS RIGHT.
• To the members of the CORE GROUP who got familiar with my persistence and constant follow up. Thank you for sharing your time, talent and resources that took part in the planning, putting ideas together, making phone calls, attending virtual meetings, sending emails, texts and several dry runs
• To Bro Jun Dagot for his strong leadership overseeing the youth ministry
• To the Felix family represented by Marge, thank you for your touching statement and sharing the clip of Brian’s fruits of labor
• To those who donated for the game prizes (you know who you are)
• To those who gave up their prizes (you know who you are)
• To all our guests who took some time from their Saturday plan to be with us
• To all of us KFI members, we are one BODY OF CHRIST working together for His glory.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU and shhhhh listen… the Heaven is roaring with gladness.
TRIVIA QUESTION game winners were announced:
1st prize Tanny Soliven
2nd prize Sylvia Dagot
3rd prize Earyn Calvis
NAME THAT TUNE game winners were announced:
1st prize Tanny Soliven
2nd prize Hannah Batingal
3rd prize Angela Mae Paulin
PRIZE IS RIGHT game winners were announced:
1st prize Lynn Aparri
2nd prize Bong and Noemi Balancio
3rd prize Marge Felix-Rice
The event ended with a closing prayer by Bro Jun Osma.
Before we parted, we unmuted ourselves and exchanged pleasantries and we had a virtual barbecue to feast.
In the end, we lift our gratitude to God for our blessings we have as the KFI ME Ministry. We wish everyone a joyful life. Together we show our trust in Him, and will be prepared to see amazing gifts poured out upon our MINISTRY.
Bro Jun and Sis Marlene Osma